Over the past few weeks, I have been experiencing major changes in my yoga practice. I contribute these changes to the workshops I have attended recently taught by a variety of teachers, and also to my teacher, Lindsay Lusignea, who I have been working with one-on-one to expand my knowledge and advance my practice.
Yesterday, I took a backbending workshop with Kino MacGregor, which was fantastic. I was mostly impressed with her knowledge of anatomy because she seemed to know EVERYTHING. Her verbal cues and ability to demonstrate poses were incredible. Besides being a great yoga teacher, she seems kind, humble, and light-hearted. I feel truly grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from her. Although I was genuinely impressed by Kino, I left her workshop feeling less confident about my ability to teach yoga and had huge doubts about my practice. Specifically, I felt most insecure about a backbending workshop that I taught last month. After attending Kino's workshop yesterday, I really questioned whether or not I was qualified to have taught a workshop about backbends. For a moment, I actually questioned whether or not I am qualified to be teaching yoga at all.
As a full time yoga teacher, I teach a lot of students each week. When I say a lot, I mean that I teach over one hundred different students of all different levels every week. One of the things that I hear students say the most is, "I can't".
My reaction is usually, "You can't? But I haven't even seen you try! How do you know that you can't?" Seriously. How do you know that you can't do something if you haven't tried? Perhaps the pose that you have deemed "impossible" is actually very possible for you, but you are simply afraid. Maybe in this moment you lack confidence which is what makes you proclaim, "I can't!". Maybe it has very little to do with your physical ability and has everything to do with your attitude. |
June 2023